Join me on my adventure!
I am so glad you stumbled across my brand new blog! I am excited to get started with documenting my teaching journey.
A little more about me, I graduated from James Madison University in 2011 with my masters in teaching. I taught for 4 years in a K-2 elementary school in Northern VA and then decided it was time to go international. Honestly, I will be the first to admit I was almost ready to change careers after those first 4 years. I was quickly disillusioned by the teaching profession and was not as equipped for the job as I needed to be.
Thankfully combining my love for understanding different cultures with my love for teaching was a match made in heaven. I quickly renewed my joy for teaching while working internationally and continued growing as an educator for the next 8 years in Guatemala and Brazil.
In Guatemala, I taught 2nd grade alongside some innovative educators. My mindset shifted from teaching to make sure students pass a standardized test to making sure students find the joy in learning. Learning became much more inquiry-based. I also explored every part of the country, finding the unbelievable beauty in the world around me.
Shortly after moving to Brazil, the pandemic hit. Thankfully I met an amazing Brazilian man right when I arrived, who later became my husband! We now have a beautiful baby boy, and we enjoy sharing our global mindset with him.
I switched from homeroom teacher to math coach in 2021, and I love spreading my joy for teaching math to other elementary teachers! Now, in my 12th year in education, I finally feel confident enough to share my thoughts and teaching strategies with the rest of the world! Thus, Rachelle’s Teaching Adventures is born. I hope you enjoy going on this journey with me!